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$0+ - Lifetime Access

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Note: This is an archived product. Feel free to use it while the website is up, but support will be minimal.

Find where to market

Search the manually curated marketing database to find new user bases. It should be easy to find one or two new things to try.

Don't walk in blind

The database is filled with notes from my personal experience. If a website no longer works or a community hates it when newcomers share what they're working on, I'll note it.

*Coming soon: you'll be able to comment on market ideas directly to help out the next guy or your future self.

You should know which marketing works

It's a waste of time to try everything without learning about what works better or worse. If you want to learn about it, you have to track it.

Simply log hours spent marketing or your advertising spend, and we'll provide you with the analytics.

Once you've found a market from the database, click the check box next to it to it to add it to your personal collection.

*Data export and deletion will be available in a few days.

Know what's winning*

Now that you know how much you're spending, you need to know what the highest ROI marketing is. We integrate with your analytics platform to automatically track which markets are getting the most traffic to your site (*coming soon...the first integration planned is for Simple Analytics).

When you know the inputs and the outputs, it's easy to find out the best path (or paths) to get new customers. Once you know something's not working, you can stop wasting time on it.

See the stats!

I love analytics. I hope you do too. I wanted to get the core features in place first, but trust me, there'll be more analytics and charts than you could ask for.

UPDATE: The first few charts are already in and they're a lot of fun!


Immediately get access to the Discord community to shoot ideas around or get support fast.

Coming Soon

Just a summary so you know what to expect in the next week or two:

  • Simple Analytics integration to track view count with markets
  • Charts! Lots of charts! Charts that most importantly answer these two questions:
    • Which markets are you spending the most time on?
    • Which strategies have the highest ROI?
  • More market ideas and details in the database
  • Market idea popularity - so you can find the hidden gems that most Find Market users aren't using.
  • A conversion API you can call when a customer makes a purchase. Because, let's face it, conversions are more valuable than views ;)
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Lifetime access to the Find Market database.

Marketing List Database
50+ items
Track Marketing Efforts
Get Meaningful ROI Summaries*
Link an analytics platform or call our API*
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